School Advisory Council

St Patrick's School Advisory Council brings together, in a spirit of cooperation, the Principal, Deputy Principal, representatives of parents, teachers and other groups involved with education in the parish and school so that responsible informed advice can be given to the Principal and leadership team. 

The School Advisory Council aims to support the school in providing an environment based on the Gospel values of a Christian Community and in facilitating encounters between God and the child. 

The SAC is responsible for:

  • Assisting with the implementation of DOBCEL and school policies 
  • Assisting in the preparation and monitoring of the school budget
  • Ensuring that the school facilities and equipment are maintained to a high standard
  • Planning for future directions
  • Developing school/community relationships and encouraging home/school interaction
  • Developing strategies for the local promotion of Catholic Education
  • Communicating SAC supported information on the School Newsletter


The SAC membership should represent, as far as possible, all those involved in or associated with St Patrick's School. 

Board membership shall be constituted as follows:

  • Principal and/or Deputy Principal
  • Staff Representative
  • Six - Eight elected members
  • Parents and Friends Representative

2025 SAC Members

Principal: Olga Lyons

Deputy Principal: Benson Steere

Staff Representatives: Abby Lee

P & F Representative: Zeb Armstrong

Elected Parents:

Nicole Elliott (Chairperson)

Liam Currer

Myra Murrihy

Elle Seath

Elise Ploenges

Chris Shiells

Mandy van den Berg